

November 17, 2015

AccraFab is recognized as an AFA Company of the Year

Aerospace Futures Alliance of Washington honors Accra-Fab for their commitment to aerospace growth.

(Liberty Lake, WA – October, 2015) – At the recent Governor’s Aerospace Summit attended by such industry giants as Boeing and Aviation Technical Services, Accra-Fab received one of two AFA Company of the Year awards for its commitment to aerospace growth in Eastern Washington, and its further commitment to the environment. AFA provides workforce training programs and legislation support in order to meet the demands of the growing aerospace industry.

According to Accra-Fab President, Greg Konkol, “we have made a substantial investment and commitment to building manufacturing and supply chain efficiencies that benefit the aerospace sector. It is an honor to be recognized for the efforts and accomplishments of the Accra-Fab team.”

Greg has held a seat on the board of INWAC (Inland Northwest Aerospace Consortium) for the past several years and was elected to serve as the Chairman in the early spring of this year. The company has continued to expand their contract manufacturing capabilities along with building their special metals finishing, and expanding their supply chain in order to meet the specific needs of the aerospace industry. They have opened a satellite office in Seattle to provide better representation and a higher level of availability and engagement for aerospace customers.

Incorporated since 1979 and based in Liberty Lake, WA, Accra-Fab is a full service manufacturer, finisher and assembler of precision sheet metal and machined components that services aerospace and other industries by providing custom components and assemblies, engineered and manufactured to customer specifications. For further information contact Tim McGillicuddy at 509-922-3300 or

AFA Award

Accra-Fab aerospace team earns the AFA Company of the Year award